Stump the Guesser - Elenco
Adam Brooks
The Guesser
Stephanie Berrington
Y / Other Sister
Brent Neale
Werner Thaller
Alison Lord
Skeptical Woman
Steven Black
Guessing Inspector
Marlise Ritchie
Quarantine Marriage Official
Kevin Doole
Substitute Guesser
Norm Foster
Day Guesser
Yollanda Chimbarami
Lab Assistant
Greg Blagoev
Pocketwatch Man
Randy Unrau
Fish Monger
Milos Mitrovic
Smug Man with Gun
Greg Klymkiw
Crank Man
Marianne Delveaux
Fun Rations Woman
Julia Klymkiw
Fun Rations Woman
Sheryl Ducharme
Peasant / Dancer
Rob Krezanski
Peasant Carnival-goer
Erika Marxx
Peasant Woman
Steve Pacaud
Carnival Goer
Greg Strempler
Carnival Goer
David Swim
Professor / Peasant