S.O.S Tidal Wave - Elenco
Ralph Byrd
Jeff Shannon
Kay Sutton
Laurel Shannon
Frank Jenks
Peaches Jackson
Marc Lawrence
Melvin Sutter
George Barbier
Uncle Dan Carter
Mickey Kuhn
Buddy Shannon
Oscar O'Shea
Mike Halloran
Dorothy Lee
Ferris Taylor
Clifford Farrow
Smiley Burnette
Voice of Felix the Dummy
Raymond Bailey
Roy Nixon
Don 'Red' Barry
Curly Parsons
Hooper Atchley
Roy Barcroft
Lynton Brent
New York Teletype Operator
Richard Cramer
Short-Order Cook
Roy Darmour
John Dilson
Harrison Greene
Lloyd Ingraham
I. Stanford Jolley
Rex Lease
Ambulance Attendant
George Montgomery
Landers Stevens
Ben Taggart
Forrest Taylor
George Turner
Minerva Urecal
Elizabeth Valentine
Crane Whitley
Robert J. Wilke
Man in TV Studio
Dave Willock
Thomas Carr
Chester, in New York
Mickey Daniels
Telegram Messenger