S-21, la machine de mort Khmère rouge - Elenco
Chum Mey
Himself (Survivor)
Khieu 'Poev' Ches
Himself (Guard)
Yeay Cheu
Herself - Him Houy's Mother
Nhiem Ein
Himself - Photographer
Houy Him
Himself - Security deputy
Ta Him
Himself - Him Houy's Father
Nhieb Ho
Himself - Guard
Prakk Kahn
Himself - the Torturer
Peng Kry
Himself - Driver
Som Meth
Himself - Guard
Vann Nath
Himself - Survivor
Top Pheap
Himself - Interrogator & Typist
Tcheam Seur
Himself - Guard
Mak Thim
Himself - S21 Doctor
Sours Thi
Himself - Head of Registers