In the Best Interest of the Children - Elenco
Sarah Jessica Parker
Callie Cain
Sally Struthers
Patty Pepper
Lexi Randall
Jessica Cain
Gary Graham
John Birney
Jayne Atkinson
Wanda Birney
Harry Lennix
Tim Coffey
John Dennis Johnston
Harlan Pepper
Elizabeth Ashley
Carla Scott
Jessica Campbell
Julie Cain
Jane Lynch
Gwen Hatcher
Patrick Clear
Dan Jennings
Jason Wells
Strange Man
Lacey Guyon
Susan Cain
Amanda Laughlin
Cindy Cain (age 5)
Molly Laughlin
Cindy Cain (age 3)
Merritt Olsen
Roger Bennett
Richard Burton Brown
Judge Taggert
Eric Forsythe
Larry Baxter
Tom Hodges
Ray Jacobs
Susan Barnes
Donna Evans