The Moon King - Elenco
Drew West
Dermitt McDougal/Alex/BugsbandPuppet Sir Mangeyman/Puppet Queen Bulbina/Puppet Rosemary Flynn
Ryleigh Schwab
The Moon King/Baghead #3 or Bagvanda / The Beast
Jay Devine
Ex-Girlfriend/Puppet Frida Quinn/Puppet Madison Hinky
Peyton Schwab
Toad the Barista and Ticketmaster/ Beadhead #4 or Uggo/ The Beast/ Puppet Sockinhand420
Sinead Gomes
The Beast/ Baghead #2 or Valinda
Kendall Schwab
Baghead #1 / Maudna/Puppet Officer (Skidmark) Skidmore
Vinny Costagliola
Afterlife Documentarian
Nick Zumbo
Utility Frank
Griff Comtois
Dynamite Fashion God/Puppet Beana ‘dette
Andrew McNeil
The Bridge King/Puppet Burger Mike
Josh Churchill
Anchorman John Broadhitt/Dermitts Mother
Molly Schmit
Sidney Fitspatrick
Dan Comtois
The Great Wizard QuaiGron, of the Grass Realm
Morgan Zumbo
Christine Schwab
Puppet Clementine/Confused Homeowner
Brent McHaile
Puppet Sir Stewart
Alma Lyons
Puppet Librarian/The Beast
Vajl Adamkowski
Puppet Sedrick Van Hubeman
Sam Freeman
The Personified Universe