The Distributor - Elenco
Gregor Kelt
THE Distributor / Dick's Mother (voice)
Adam Thake
Dick White
Elliot Doyle
Halter Black
Murray Thomson
Bodyguard 1 "B1" / Worker #8
Finn Doring
James "Clarence" Redwoman
Euan Barclay
One-Eyed Tommy
Harris Wilson
Raspberry Fellajella / Worker #3
Karl Maekivi
Business / Worker #1
Sandy Rowe
A Supplier
Harvey Bradley
Hustler / Worker #2
Sean Clyde
Saul Haydon
Salesman (Worker #4)
Gene Anderson
Microwave (Worker #5)
James Grewar
Worker #6
Jacob Petrie
Wife Stealer (Worker #7)